
The St. Augustine Attractions Association is committed to developing a coordinated approach to promote and develop the tourist and travel industry in St. Johns County. Also, we encourage cooperation among members to maintain high standards of business dealings, collectively present our position on political issues to elected representatives, compile and distribute information of benefit to our members, and provide support to our members.
Applications for membership are submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval. Upon approval of membership, the proposed member will be asked to pay membership dues, invited to attend all future meetings and to take part in all appropriate benefits. Upon a no vote, the proposed member will be contacted by the Board of Directors informing them of the decision made.

Full Membership/Attractions

Full membership is for attractions only located in St. Johns County, Florida that has been in business for a period of one year and has a principal focus in entertainment, cultural, education, recreational, scientific or historical activities and contributes to the attraction of visitors to St. Johns County.  Annual dues are $400 plus an annual assessment fee based on corresponding annual attendance for the prior year.
Benefits for full membership are as follow:
  • Full-color listing in next printing of St. Augustine Attractions Map/Brochure (Requires payment of assessment fee)
  • Opportunity to serve and vote on committees
  • Full listing on the SAAA website
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional and advertising materials at SAAA Meetings
  • 50 Employee passes to attractions per month
  • Facebook posts
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Associate membership is for organizations or businesses within the State of Florida whose function is the solicitation and servicing of visitors, and who is engaged in activities that are related to the hospitality industry of St. Johns County. Organizations or businesses that do not engage directly in the solicitation and serving of visitors but are engaged in activities that are related to the hospitality industry and therefore have a vested interest in the hospitality industry of St. Johns County. Travel Agencies or other organizations providing services. Annual dues are $300.
Benefits for Associate membership are as follow:
  • Opportunity to serve and vote on committees
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional and advertising materials at SAAA Meetings
  • Listing on a panel of the SAAA Map/Brochure with a website address
  • Listing with link to business on the SAAA website
  • 50 Employee passes to attractions per month (Pink Letters)
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Allied membership is for organizations or businesses within the State of Florida whose function is the solicitation and servicing of visitors, and who is engaged in activities that are related to the hospitality industry of St. Johns County. Organizations or businesses that do not engage directly in the solicitation and serving of visitors but are engaged in activities that are related to the hospitality industry and therefore have a vested interest in the hospitality industry of St. Johns County. Annual dues are $150.
Benefits for Allied membership are as follow:
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional and advertising materials at SAAA Meetings
  • Listed on SAAA
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Green letters

The St. Augustine Attractions Association’s green letter program is available to full and associate members in good standing.

Benefits listed are at the sole discretion of the participating attractions. Not all member attractions honor this letter during Holidays and/or Special Events. Acceptance of this letter is at the sole discretion of the individual attractions and may be refused at any time, for any reason. Abuse of this privilege by visiting employee may result in the loss of all employee letter privileges for the issuing member attraction/business.

To request green letters for your organization, please email